10 Lavender Planter Ideas to Bring Relaxation to Your Garden

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If you are looking to create a peaceful and relaxing environment in your garden, then adding some lavender planter is an excellent idea. Not only does lavender offer beautiful and fragrant blooms, but it also has calming properties that can help reduce stress and anxiety.

lavender plant
10 Lavender Planter Ideas to Bring Relaxation to Your Garden 5

Lavender is a beautiful and fragrant plant that is known for its soothing and relaxing properties. Adding lavender planters to your garden can create a calming and peaceful environment that you can enjoy all year round.

In this article, we will provide you with ten lavender planter ideas that are easy to create and maintain.

Benefits of Lavender Planter

Lavender plants have been used for centuries for their medicinal and aromatic properties. They are known for their calming and soothing effects on the body and mind. Some of the benefits of lavender plants include:

  • Reducing stress and anxiety
  • Improving sleep quality
  • Alleviating headaches
  • Soothing skin irritations
  • Repelling insects

Choosing the Right Lavender Varieties

There are many different varieties of lavender plants, and choosing the right one for your garden is important. Some popular varieties include:

  • English lavender
  • French lavender
  • Spanish lavender
  • Hidcote lavender
lavender planter
10 Lavender Planter Ideas to Bring Relaxation to Your Garden 6

When choosing a lavender variety, consider the climate in your area and the soil type. Some lavender varieties prefer well-drained soil, while others can tolerate heavier clay soils.

Best Time to Plant Lavender

The best time to plant lavender is in the spring or fall season. Lavender plants prefer cooler temperatures, and planting them during the hottest months of the year can stress the plants. Be sure to plant your lavender in an area that receives plenty of sunlight and has good drainage.

Preparing the Soil for Lavender

Lavender plants prefer well-drained soil with a pH level between 6.5 and 7.5. If your soil is heavy clay or has poor drainage, consider amending it with sand, gravel, or compost. You can also plant lavender in raised beds or containers to ensure proper drainage.

How to Plant Lavender

When planting lavender, make sure to space the plants at least 12-18 inches apart to allow for proper air circulation. Dig a hole slightly larger than the plant’s root ball and place the plant in the hole. Backfill with soil and gently tamp down around the plant’s base. Water the plant thoroughly after planting.

Container Gardening with Lavender

lavender plants
10 Lavender Planter Ideas to Bring Relaxation to Your Garden 7

If you don’t have space for a traditional garden, or if you want to add some lavender to your patio or balcony, container gardening is an excellent option. When growing lavender in containers, make sure to choose a pot that is at least 12 inches deep and has drainage holes in the bottom. Use a high-quality potting mix and fertilize regularly with a balanced fertilizer.

10 Lavender Planter Ideas

Lavender and Rosemary Planter

Combine the soothing scent of lavender with the earthy aroma of rosemary for a relaxing and fragrant planter. Both plants thrive in well-drained soil and full sun.

Lavender and Lemon Verbena Planter

The sweet and tangy scent of lemon verbena pairs perfectly with the calming aroma of lavender. Plant both in a sunny location with well-drained soil for a delightful planter.

Hanging Lavender Baskets

Create a stunning hanging planter by filling a basket with lavender plants and hanging it from a porch or balcony. Use a lightweight potting mix and water frequently.

Lavender and Hydrangea Planter

Add some color to your lavender planter by pairing it with a vibrant hydrangea. Both plants prefer well-drained soil and partial sun.

Lavender and Marigold Planter

The bright and cheerful blooms of marigolds complement the fragrant lavender perfectly. Plant both in a sunny location with well-drained soil.

Lavender and Thyme Planter

Thyme and lavender are both excellent plants for attracting bees and butterflies to your garden. Plant both in a sunny location with well-drained soil for a lovely planter.

Lavender and Sage Planter

10 Lavender Planter Ideas to Bring Relaxation to Your Garden 8

The woody, earthy scent of sage pairs well with the soothing aroma of lavender. Plant both in a sunny location with well-drained soil for a relaxing and fragrant planter.

Read Next

Lavender and Mint Planter

Combine the calming scent of lavender with the refreshing aroma of mint for a delightful planter. Both plants prefer well-drained soil and partial sun.

Lavender and Chamomile Planter

The soothing scent of lavender and the calming aroma of chamomile make for a perfect combination in a planter. Plant both in a sunny location with well-drained soil.

Lavender and Catnip Planter

Catnip and lavender are both excellent plants for attracting pollinators to your garden. Plant both in a sunny location with well-drained soil for a fragrant and buzzing planter.


  • Space-saving: This planter allows you to grow the plant in a smaller space, such as a balcony or patio, without the need for a large garden bed.
  • Aesthetic appeal: This type of planter can be a beautiful addition to your outdoor or indoor decor, with the purple flowers and green leaves providing a natural pop of color.
  • Easy to move: It can be easily moved around your space to optimize sunlight exposure or adjust to changes in the weather.
  • Health benefits: Lavender has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties, and having a planter of lavender nearby can provide easy access to its potential health benefits, such as reducing stress and promoting relaxation.


  • Limited growth potential: This planter may restrict the growth of the plant, as it may not provide enough room for the roots to spread and develop fully.
  • Watering challenges: Lavender is sensitive to overwatering, and it can be challenging to maintain the right level of moisture in a planter, as drainage may be limited.
  • Soil limitations: Lavender plants require well-draining soil, and it may be difficult to provide the proper soil conditions in a planter without proper attention to soil quality and composition.
  • Lifespan limitations: Lavender plants typically have a lifespan of 5-10 years, and a planter may not provide enough space or nutrients for the plant to thrive over the long term.


In conclusion, growing a lavender plant can be a beautiful addition to your garden or home, with its fragrant purple flowers and potential health benefits. However, it’s important to consider the climate and soil conditions in your area, as well as the plant’s sensitivity to overwatering and potential lifespan limitations.

If you decide to grow a lavender plant, be sure to provide it with well-draining soil, plenty of sunlight, and proper care to help it thrive. And if you’re allergic to lavender or its oil, it’s best to avoid the plant altogether. With the right conditions and care, a lavender planter can bring joy and beauty to your space.

External sources:

You can refer these external links for better understand of above article through different kind of resources.

  1. Gardening Know How: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/herbs/lavender/container-grown-lavender.htm
  2. Better Homes & Gardens: https://www.bhg.com/gardening/flowers/perennials/growing-lavender-in-containers/
  3. The Spruce: https://www.thespruce.com/grow-lavender-in-a-container-1402754
  4. Country Living: https://www.countryliving.com/gardening/garden-ideas/g31537412/lavender-planter-ideas/
  5. YouTube – Gardening at Douentza: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJ5-D5p5bGE

People also ask:

What kind of planter do you use for lavender?

When planting lavender, it’s important to choose a planter that allows for proper drainage and airflow. Lavender prefers well-draining soil that is not overly moist, so a planter with drainage holes is crucial.

Is lavender plant good for?

Lavender plants have various beneficial properties including promoting relaxation, improving sleep, skincare, pain relief, insect repellent, and culinary uses.

Where does lavender grow best?

Lavender grows best in dry, sunny areas with well-drained soil, such as the Mediterranean region, but can also thrive in other parts of the world with similar growing conditions.

how to care for lavender plants in pots?

To care for lavender plants in pots, make sure to place them in a sunny location, use well-draining soil, water only when the soil is dry, and trim the plant regularly to promote bushiness.

how to plant lavender in the ground?

To plant lavender in the ground, choose a sunny location with well-draining soil, dig a hole slightly larger than the root ball, and place the plant in the hole. Fill in with soil, water thoroughly, and mulch around the plant.

how to prune lavender?

To prune lavender, use clean, sharp pruning shears to remove about one-third of the plant’s growth in the spring or fall. Avoid cutting into old wood, and shape the plant into a mounded form.

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